Max Burke, APSA
About the Image(s)
Another image of the beginning of the Trailing of the Sheep 5 day event using Ketchum and Hailey for programs ranging from Trials with a dog and four sheep, dancing, booths selling Basque and other country goods, followed by a parade where all groups including sheep go through Ketchum Idaho, just one mile from Sun Valley.
The sheep flock you see may be behind the trees, and momentarily after I took this image, the Pyrenees White dog is behind them, and others will be controlled as they enter the parade. I was within just a few yards from the flock. The image was taken on October 6, 2024 in small mountains. The herders, dogs, horses came over the right side of the mountain and grazed over an hour waiting to be controlled by the animals and herders to reach the road.
I took 3 HDRs with one stop. The information showed 1/40 sec, 1/60 sec, and 1/640th. I was using a tripod. The camera settings were Focal Length of 34mm using a Nikkor 24mm with the 24-120mm f4 lenses with the D500D Nikon Camera.