Lisa Cuchara  

Staircase by Lisa Cuchara

October 2024 - Staircase

About the Image(s)

Taken with the 8-25mm lens on my OM-1 mark II. Three exposures, tone-mapped in ACR.

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7 comments posted

Mo Devlin   Mo Devlin
I really like this, Lisa. Where was it located. We have a university with some similarly shaped stair. Lovely.   Posted: 10/04/2024 19:09:19

Max Burke   Max Burke
You picked a good subject as the stairway looks like a circle on a wall. But reality works and it makes for a stairway going once you study it for a moment. The colors, and composition, plus depth is interesting. I have never seen a stairway look this way. You have found an interesting bit of architecture. Well done.   Posted: 10/08/2024 21:00:36

Don Poulton   Don Poulton
A very interesting subject, Lisa. I cannot figure it out, it looks to me like the stairway goes up into a circle above the upstairs level. Did you apply some kind of distortion filter to this image?
  Posted: 10/23/2024 19:46:03
Lisa Cuchara   Lisa Cuchara
The circle at the top in the ceiling is where the light fixture used to be.
No distortion, none in-camera, none in post...   Posted: 10/24/2024 02:09:17

Brad Ashbrook   Brad Ashbrook
I agree with Don, there is something very odd about this staircase. If you flipped it 180 degrees, it could going down to a drain. The photo seems well exposed, don't think the white areas are blown out. The processing looks good and certainly a cool subject.   Posted: 10/23/2024 20:49:33

Rick Cloran   Rick Cloran
The perspective you chose and any optical distortion that remains make for a mind bender. Very cool. The blend looks fine. I debate about whether I want the realism of the apparent peeling paint or plaster on that first loop or whether it would be stronger if that were more uniform.   Posted: 10/24/2024 01:48:25

Lisa Cuchara   Lisa Cuchara
Thank you all for your comments, I specifically went to this house because of the cool staircase.
It is unusual.
The image is not distorted in post, just three exposures tone-mapped in ACR, no PS. The 16mm FFEQ likely does not distort the image in camera either.

I am standing right at the railing, looking up.   Posted: 10/24/2024 02:08:55