Stuart Caine
About the Image(s)
This image was taken a few years ago in Europe. As we walked through the town, we found sculputures in each of the small squares. This one cought my eye. Two small children were washing it down. They had a bucket of water and scrub brushes. This picture was originally take on slide film, then converted to digital.
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4 comments posted
Charles Bartolotta
This is an interesting image. Where in Europe was it? It looks like some highlight detail has been lost; I assume from the conversion to digital. It also seems to be leaning a bit to the left. The pipes around the sculpture and th children make a nice frame to the action going on within it.   Posted: 10/07/2024 19:35:17
Michael Braunstein
This is interesting. I think if you could see their faces it would have bee better. There are some highlights that could use some improving. On my screen the photo looks a little crunchy like it was over processed.   Posted: 10/07/2024 20:58:07
Sharlana Dillard
Stu - nice street photography! I had to looks twice to see if the children were real or apart of the sculpture, that was before I read about the image. I wonder what the photo would look like from the other side showing the children's faces or a side view to show more of the sculpture.
  Posted: 10/07/2024 21:39:04
  Posted: 10/07/2024 21:39:04
Susan Lurie
Stu - Another nice street photo. I agree with Michael that it would be been even better if you could have captured it from the other side to see the children's' faces; however, that's not always an option when things are happening quickly. I also wonder what it would like like if you could use background blur in order to emphasize the children and the sculpture.   Posted: 10/26/2024 18:20:14