Paul Hoffman
Hello from England. I live in Cheltenham in the Cotswolds.
I spent 35 years in the Printing industry producing many magazines and periodicals and was trained professionally in darkroom techniques. Owing to ill health I had to stop work a while back. I now spend most of my time helping to run Gloucester Camera Club and entering photographic competitions.
I started photography 35/40 years ago but stop for a while to concentrate on my sporting activities. I was a very good cyclist and golfer but specialised at lawn bowls reaching county and national levels. Looking for fresh challenges I took up photography again. Since then I have gained accreditation of CPAGB & BPE3* EFIAP. I think myself lucky as my images have been published and have been awarded many awards in competition.
Having many likes in photographic styles and will attempt to do most, I used to specialize in portrait and sport images but am drifting back to landscape images.
I am a great believer in a good image is an images that makes you stop and look. Here's hoping you like mine.