Michael Jack, QPSA

Michael Jack, QPSA

Michael Jack Photography

Artist's Statement
Michael's interest in photography is centered on landscapes, architecture and automobiles. In each area he tries to capture the ordinary in a distinctive manner to draw the viewer into the scene. The uniqueness could be the result of weather, lighting or time of day or it could be a view or perspective that adds a different dimension and feel to a particular scene. Michael uses varied amounts of post processing to enhance the purpose of the image, but aims to keep the final result looking pleasing, but realistic.

Michael's objective for landscape is to place the viewer into a position where they would enjoy standing, feeling and observing - appreciating being in that spot at that time and in those conditions. His objective for architecture and automobiles is different. Both are created by a combination of design and engineering. His goal is to capture the element or elements that make the executed design unique as intended by the designers and engineers. In some cases the objectives for landscapes and architecture/automobiles are combined such as, for example, when place and lighting combine to enhance a view of an architectural structure.

Michael became seriously involved in photography after retiring from the role as a financial executive for a Fortune 500 company. The interest in photography was always present, and he did a substantial amount of racing and aircraft photography in the 1980's and 90's. However, work demands and other activities diminished the time available for photography until his retirement.

Michael has exhibited in various venues such as Launch Fishers, city halls and libraries, the Delphi Opera House, and Nickel Plate's Stephenson House. He has been active in competitions where he has received a number of awards. Michael is a member of Riviera Camera Club, Photo Venture Camera Club, and the Photographic Society of American (PSA). In addition to being a member of Nickel Plate Arts, he is also a juried member of the Hamilton County Artists Association. His website is www.michaeljackphotography.com and email is dmichael.jack@gmail.com