Nenette Yu
About the Image(s)
This was taken early this year at a local seaside park. It was a beautiful sunny day and as I walked past this abandoned building, I noticed the shadows of the tree branches and the reflection of the clouds. What really struck me are all the different shadows and shapes. I thought making it black and white brings out the stark contrast more between light and shadow.
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5 comments posted
Paul Hoffman
What I would say, I can see why you took this and the shadows and reflections do grab your attentions and pull the eye, but does it make a strong image to hold your viewer. Have the unfinished arch and the the door floating seems a touch unbalanced. Those shadows in the arches are the strong part of the image and draw the viewer. The top left is weak. So can we balance. We can crop in a lose the shadow left but balance the image right and make the door join the arches.
But 100% I see why you took it.   Posted: 10/14/2024 11:15:26
But 100% I see why you took it.   Posted: 10/14/2024 11:15:26
Nenette Yu
Thank you Paul. As always, great feedback. I do see your point about the balance of it. In fact, I have played around with the arches, and I might crop that in, but the door side I might leave it as is because I don't want it too tight there. And I like the shadows of the trees.   Posted: 10/14/2024 11:26:45
Marilyn Peake
I love all the shapes and shadows, especially since you captured the shapes of clouds in the top windows. I agree with you that this works well in black-and-white.   Posted: 10/15/2024 00:49:12
Nenette Yu
Thank you Marilyn!   Posted: 10/15/2024 00:51:33
Lori Good
This is a great image and I'm glad you stopped and took the picture. In contrast to Paul I love the shadows around the door on the left. But cropping the right side down to clean up the three arches is spot on!   Posted: 10/15/2024 16:16:37