Marti Buckely
About the Image(s)
This B-17 Flying Fortress of WWII was taken at Oshkosh during AirVenture. I used the Sky Replacement to add the rainbow sky. Shot at 1/250 at F/13.
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4 comments posted
Joseph J Zaia
Great catch Marti with the rainbow. 1/250 of a sec was perfect to catch some motion in the propellers. Not sure if you want to do it, but with the new AI ability, it should be easy to select the B-17 and place it in the same angle as the rainbow; especially since it is on a clear background.   Posted: 11/08/2023 15:54:04
Al Swanson
Really like the rainbow touch and agree that if the wings could be parallel to it, it would improve the image. Great capture and composition.   Posted: 11/12/2023 16:16:11
Peggy Reeder
The sky replacement was a great idea! The colors of the rainbow and the colors on the plane each enhance the other. Very nice!
  Posted: 11/18/2023 17:21:32
  Posted: 11/18/2023 17:21:32
Kaylyn Franks
The capture of the plane is spot on with the angle, crispness of the body and slow mo of the blades. The sky replacement was a nice compliment to the angle and colors, and still offers space for the plane to fly.   Posted: 11/27/2023 14:10:47