Don Poulton
About the Image(s)
My west coast trip did not include any bird photography, so I've gone back several years to the last time I visited Florida., I captured this purple gallinule using my Canon 7D Mark II and 100-400mm lens at 1/400 and f/5.6, ISO 800. I did the usual processing in Lightroom Classic including lightening the eye a bit and cropping. No other adjustments were made. Enjoy!
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4 comments posted
Leslie Larson
I love purple gallinules...this one caught in a very normal place for them...walking on lily pads. Focus, color and catch light might try to tone down the bright water behind the bird. It distracts from your gorgeous gallinule.
I would get rid most of it with an even tighter crop and then clone out the upper left branch. Lovely bird.   Posted: 10/05/2024 20:36:32
I would get rid most of it with an even tighter crop and then clone out the upper left branch. Lovely bird.   Posted: 10/05/2024 20:36:32
Don Poulton
Thanks Leslie. I thought about removing the branches at top left when I was preparing this but I decided to stay with the strict nature interpretation and see what everyone says.   Posted: 10/06/2024 16:49:52
Tom Buckard
Don Poulton
Thanks Tom. This is definitely the best, though it is a departure from strict nature.   Posted: 10/08/2024 14:21:47