Mike Cowdrey, MPSA

Mike Cowdrey, MPSA

I am a retired Chartered Accountant, living in Nottingham, England. I have 5 grown up children and 12 grandkids. I joined PSA in 1990, and in 2014 I managed to achieve Galaxy 9 in PID and 5 Star in Natural History, enabling me to qualify for MPSA. I have also been lucky enough to have been awarded ARPS, EFIAP and MPAGB. I enjoy creative photography, and before the advent of Photoshop I gained some success via slide manipulation. I no longer enter exhibitions, but I am out and about almost every day taking pictures of anything that moves (or doesn't!)
During lockdown at virus time I had just retired and to keep busy I wrote a novel and was fortunate to get offers of publication, and the book came out in 2022.