Renee Nalley  

Fall Leaves by Renee Nalley

November 2023 - Fall Leaves

November 2023 - Renee Nalley


About the Image(s)

This image was taken during a recent hike at one of our county parks. Here I was trying to capture the texture and color of the leaves. f5.6, shutter 1/160, ISO 100. Edits made include white/black adjustments, contrast and adding a vignette to the edges to darken them.

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6 comments posted

Dr V G Mohanan Nair   Dr V G Mohanan Nair
A simple story to the arrival of winter. The texture, color and shape of the leaves are visible clearly. The post processing looks good. The image lacks a centre of interest. A green leaf/live undergrowth/fallen flower etc will add interest.   Posted: 11/17/2023 07:22:23

Joan Funk   Joan Funk
Pretty scene of fallen leaves. I agree with Mohanan that it needs a focal point. Maybe crop the bottom and make the yellow leaf at the top stand out. Or maybe you took other pictures of the same scene with a special leaf standing out more. I see a red leaf mostly hidden on the right. That would stand out nicely if entirely pictured. Also, I'm wondering if a sharpening program like Topaz AI Sharpen would sharpen some of the blurred leaves.   Posted: 11/17/2023 12:41:03

Terry Campanella   Terry Campanella
Renee, I love the idea of your image. There certainly is a great variety of textures and colors captured in your original. I am just wondering if using a Curves adjustment as well as increasing Clarity would give us an even more sense of the beauty of these leaves. I also would suggest a darker vignette which would give us more of a sense of subject. Thanks for sharing this image. For those of us who grew up in the North and live in the South, it is a treasure!   Posted: 11/18/2023 00:51:08
Comment Image

Darlene Elwin   Darlene Elwin
(Group 11)
A very nice "Fall is Here" image. I agree with what Terry has done. It brings out the yellow leaves and gives us a focus.   Posted: 11/18/2023 06:07:56

Walter Naumann   Walter Naumann
A good textures photo. If limited to that a center of interest is unnecessary. terry' edit provides that center of interest. An excellent photo and post processing in any case   Posted: 11/19/2023 22:01:05

Bogdan Bricelj   Bogdan Bricelj
I also miss the center of interest. I like Terry's darkening.

Some leaves on the bottom are blurred and a little bit distracting. The best way is removing them before capturing.
  Posted: 11/27/2023 12:06:30