Dr Isaac Vaisman, APSA, PPSA
About the Image(s)
Spoonbill Feeding the Chick was created last year at the Alligators Farm is St Augustin – Florida in april which is the last month of the year they provide what is call the Photographer’s Pass meaning that you can enter the facility early in the morning, before they officially open, and you can stay until sunset (they close at 5:00 PM) and of course; you have to pay extra for that. In the rockery spoonbills nest every year, and this pair set up their nest visible, and with very few branches interfering with the view. It was chowtime time, and both parents were in the nest.
The image was created with a Nikon Z9 with the Nikkor zoom lens S 100-400 mm f/4.5-5.6 + the 1.4x TC for a total of 560 mm @ 420 mm with these settings: ISO 100 (Auto setting), f/8 and 1/800 sec. The image was P in Lightoom and cropped.
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7 comments posted
(Group 81)
I was fortunate enough to photograph the White Ibis and Glossy Ibis babies being fed by adults at a rookery, but never knew how far the baby's beak goes into the adults mouth.   Posted: 11/02/2023 20:12:29
(Group 78)
(Groups 22 & 71)