Barbara Mallon
About the Image(s)
Again slide revival of a photo taken in 2003 on slide film and scanned into a file. We were camping. The jpeg seems more contrasty than the print I made.
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5 comments posted
Butch Mazzuca
I've been to Dead Horse Point several times - I applaud your efforts but digitizing 20-year-old slide film is a rough go. I think it's impossible to match colors in these cases, but good luck   Posted: 10/10/2024 03:18:03
Hoshedar Cooper
Hi Barbara. It looks like a painting.!!!! Not sure if you would be able to reduce the saturation a bit more to make it look like a photograph. If I was not told that this was converted from a slide film or negative I would have said this is a painting. The cast in the magenta is overwhelming.   Posted: 10/10/2024 10:16:47
Judith Flacke
Sounds like a good idea but over saturation is a problem, and both black and white are off the dynamic range scale... I can still imagine how stunning the scene would have been, but sadly not really conveyed here.   Posted: 10/10/2024 16:30:10
Tom McCreary
You have done an excellent job of converting from a slide. You captured a great moment. There seems to be something wrong with the center part of the image, the colors shift from the edges. It is very obvious in the mountains and the bluff edge.   Posted: 10/10/2024 17:34:34
Gaetan Manuel
You may have done a great job of digitizing a 20-year-old slide film.But the overall photo seems a bit too saturated especially the upper and centre part.   Posted: 10/15/2024 05:24:15