Mark Burgess  

No Entry by Mark Burgess

October 2024 - No Entry

October 2024 - Mark Burgess


About the Image(s)

I have been away in India so apologies for not commenting on last month's images: but many thanks for your comments on mine. While there I noticed so many open doorways leading somewhere without knowing where. What was around the corner? What lives were lived there? This is one of many on that theme. Shot in the Blue City of Jodhpur.

This round’s discussion is now closed!
12 comments posted

Oliver Morton   Oliver Morton
Mark, I'm blown away by your photograph. The more I look at it, the more I see. I love how the lighting combines with the dark line on the floor pulls me in. Spectacular.

Naturally, I had to play a bit. I used Camera Raw to further emphasize the area in the back of the image. It was challenging to decide what to do with the wonderful objects along the path to the back. Your thoughts?
  Posted: 10/02/2024 15:40:40
Comment Image
Mark Burgess   Mark Burgess
Thanks Pete, I like your treatment which gives more emphasis to the rubbish. But my idea was to emphasize the "light at the end of the tunnel" or really the side light there and to diminish everything else.   Posted: 10/04/2024 20:11:58

Sophia Schade   Sophia Schade
Hi Mark, magnificent. I so wish this was my photo.I like Petes processing.. The only suggestion is to clone out or tone down the red pcs on the ground on the right side.. The little red jumbs :)   Posted: 10/02/2024 19:51:01
Mark Burgess   Mark Burgess
Thanks Sophia. Good call.   Posted: 10/04/2024 20:12:33

Victor Wasilov   Victor Wasilov
Your processing is very nice. I like the way you exposed the beauty of the arch and the carved walls on the left. The door and architecture speak of a time when this area was one of prosperity and wealth, and now is showing a decline from days past. This image has a story to tell of both grandeur and decline. Very well done. The only suggestion is the one Sophia mentioned.   Posted: 10/03/2024 14:30:36

Lori Azevedo   Lori Azevedo
(Groups 6 & 55)
Your photo caught my immediate attention. Might I ask what filter you used in post processing. I'm looking for a similar expression on a photo I'm currently editing.   Posted: 10/04/2024 17:32:01
Mark Burgess   Mark Burgess
Thanks. No filter was used. Just dodging and burning as shown by the original   Posted: 10/04/2024 20:08:43

Mark Burgess   Mark Burgess
Thanks Victor   Posted: 10/04/2024 20:13:04

David Price   David Price
A really great image Mark. I think that everyone who looks at the image will have a different view on how it should be processed. For me I would lighten the bags at the side and the old bike. That's the great thing about photography we all see things differently and it's so subjective.   Posted: 10/11/2024 12:22:19

Richard Siersma   Richard Siersma
Mark, I think this is a fantastic image. I like your post-processing; I start looking all the interesting parts of the door and I continue looking down the passageway which leads me to a corner - what is just around the corner? I want to know!   Posted: 10/15/2024 20:15:36
Mark Burgess   Mark Burgess
Thanks Richard, me too!That was what drove my processing. its about what we cannot see!   Posted: 10/15/2024 22:28:34

Keisha Becerra   Keisha Becerra
Hi Mark,

This is a beautifully evocative image that really draws the viewer in. I love how the textures and details in the door and walls create a rich story of past grandeur meeting present decline, as Victor mentioned. The muted blues and earthy tones work well to evoke a sense of history and mystery. The lighting leads the eye deeper into the scene, leaving me curious about what lies around the corner.

I also appreciate your intention to emphasize the "light at the end of the tunnel," and I think you've captured that well. Like Sophia, I would agree that toning down or cloning out the small red pieces on the right could help keep the focus on the rest of the composition. Overall, this image is a visual narrative that invites exploration. Great work!
  Posted: 10/19/2024 22:52:44