Mark Sharrock  

A Walk in the Woods by Mark Sharrock

October 2020 - A Walk in the Woods

October 2020 - Mark Sharrock


About the Image(s)

How: Very quickly on a Fuji X100T. Had the camera in B&W mode so that I could see the contrast better. Handheld.
Why: Trying to improve my outdoor B&W work.

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6 comments posted

Zina Mirsky   Zina Mirsky
(Group 55)
This is dramatic - and I think you've captured the feeling of adventure in this walk -- where will this path lead me. I wondered if changing the perspective by cropping at the dark tree on the left of the path would make me even more interested, but it seemed to shorten the distance and make the bright aspen on the right too bright. The balance of brighter trees on the left, near the darkest one, helps keep the photo in perspective.   Posted: 10/09/2020 17:20:23
Thanks.   Posted: 10/29/2020 16:34:03

Robert Knight   Robert Knight
(Group 45)
I agree with Zina that it is dramatic and I also feel that it is very atmospheric and there is an air of mystery. I think I would make it a square format by cropping to the left of the main tree because for me the two trees frame the walker beautifully and all the interest is to the right of the image.   Posted: 10/09/2020 18:04:01
Interesting - let me try that - not a bad idea at all.   Posted: 10/29/2020 16:34:44

Hi Mark,

I think it's a good subject with a good sense of isolation in the wooded environment. I do feel the hiker is a bit lost in the busyness of the woods. I wondered if drawing out the hiker from the woods would help bring more emphasis to the hiker. Would a vignette or radial filter around the hiker help seperate the her from the trees? The B&W is a good option.   Posted: 10/10/2020 21:17:28
So there is already a filter on the hiker to slightly increase the exposure in an attempt to highlight that area - so great idea David. I couldn't really find any better way to highlight or create any isolation - so it's not one that is going to go on my wall - that's for certain - but it was an interesting one to try to do in B&W.   Posted: 10/29/2020 16:36:59